Anna Aguilar Amat

1962 / Barcelona

Mountains of the air

In the air there are mountains and plateaux
with their foothills, hollows, chasms, slopes.
The clouds sour up and encircle them. They do not
climb to the tophost, summits and, for this reason,
we never see the peak of gases, and think
they have no sharp corners.
Something similar goes on when it comes
to the soul. Very few people see its geography
at all clearly;
they are unfamiliar with its gaps, its caves.
They take the risk of flying over someone's soul
as though it were a smooth sphere.
It's no good warning someone who wanted it
to be simple that it is complex.
Even so, it is simple, truly:
the sky has a back and only wants
someone to be willing to scratch it when
angels tickle it with their wings.
In order to do this you have to learn
to see them, and to see them you
have to learn to love. In order to love
there is no need to learn how to learn
and, in fact, it is much better
not to know anything about it.

Translated by Anna Crowe
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