Aditya Singh

October 3, 2001- India
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A halt

As slowly I crawled towards the end
The fog started covering the land
Nothing but whitness all around me
Nothing but darkness all inside me

I didn't understand if it was hiding the goal for me
Or hiding the skull of those who had failed
But I did understand the fear inside me
That continuously asked me to afray

So near I couldn't hold my breath
My eyes trying to find the aim
My ears cold but ready to hear a noise
My heart beat pumping making me sweat in dark cold night

Stumbling on the stones
Finding the path as if I were blind
I slowly started feeling
As if I were nearby

Suddenly the blanket revealed it's cover
I tried to see and found nothing but a place to hover
It was neither my destination nor was it what I wanted
It was like a station where
Though I could rest but at end will have to move forward,
Will have to move forward

My journey continues
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